What you need to know about ELT
Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is a non-invasive treatment that is used to help stimulate proper flow and drainage of the lymphatic system by radiating an energy field that is rich in negatively charged ions. It is designed to detoxify and purify your body, improve the immune system, and restore balance. It can be used to address a variety of conditions and symptoms, such as lymphedema, chronic pain, eczema, swelling, injuries from sports or injury, inflammation, and cancer support.
Here are some benefits that ELT offers:
Relieve chronic joint and muscle pain
Assist in weight loss
Detoxifies body tissues
Supports post-mastectomy health
Reduces edema and lymphedema
Relieves discomfort from fibrocystic breast
Promotes T-cell development in immune-compromised individuals
Reduces stretch marks, scars, and wrinkles
Improve skin regeneration
Stimulates the immune system to help prevent infection.

What does the Procedure Involve?
During electro-lymphatic therapy, you will rest comfortably on a massage table. Then, a trained specialist will place a special glass tube device directly onto the skin. This special device delivers a very subtle, but powerful ionic energy field 6 to 8 inches into the body.
Normally, the specialist will begin the therapy at the collar bones and gently tug the skin at the area to open the lymphatic terminals, allowing lymph to flow into the bloodstream. The therapy begins at the collarbones because the lymphatic system empties into the bloodstream just above the heart.
Next, the specialist will open the lymph nodes in the head, face, neck, and shoulders by moving and tugging the device gently. Then, the lymph nodes in the armpits will be drained using the same technique. Once the specialist is done draining the lymph nodes in the armpits, they will prepare the legs to be drained by clearing the lymph nodes at the hip crease.
The specialist will then move on to the next stage, which is the abdominal portion of the therapy. They will move the device in a circular motion and gently stroke it in the direction of the collar bones. This is done to clear the exit route from the abdomen to the collar bones where the lymphatic fluid returns to the heart. Afterward, the specialist will clear the abdominal sections by moving fluids in the upper abdomen to the lymph nodes in the armpits. They will then move to the arm area, starting from the upper arms to make room for the lower arms to drain. The upper arms will be stroked gently in the direction of the heart.
The next step is draining the lymph nodes in the elbow, forearm, hand, and back of the arm. The device will stick to the skin as it is being pulled along the arm when it encounters congested lymph.
The last step is to drain the legs. Using the same gentle motion, the specialist will stroke the legs in the direction of the heart.
How Long Should I Stay at my Destination?
You can leave the medical facility immediately after your electro-lymphatic therapy session. You do not have to stay in the area any longer than you want to. It is important to note, however, that you may need more than one session. People usually get this therapy twice a week for two or three weeks to get the maximum benefit, so it is recommended that you stay in the area until you complete all of your sessions. In some cases, you can choose to do only one or two therapy sessions.
What’s the Recovery Time?
No recovery time is needed after electro-lymphatic therapy. In most cases, you can go back to your normal routine, including work, immediately after the procedure.
What About Aftercare?
To get the most out of your electro-lymphatic therapy, you need to be well-hydrated. Therefore, drink extra water every day, at least for the first two days after your therapy session.
What’s the Success Rate?
Electro-lymphatic therapy is claimed as one of the most effective ways to move lymph. For the most part, this type of therapy is also very safe. With such a light touch to the skin, the danger of damage to the tissue is very low. However, people with the following contraindications should avoid electro-lymphatic therapy:
Circulatory problems, such as embolism, thrombosis, or phlebitis
Acute infections
Malignant conditions
Are there Alternatives to ELT?
If you do not or cannot undergo electro-lymphatic therapy, you can consider manual lymph drainage as the alternative. Manual lymph drainage is a gentle type of skin massage technique that offers the same benefits as electro-lymphatic therapy. You can receive messages from trained specialists, or learn basic drainage techniques at home.
What Should You Expect Before and After the Procedure
Before electro-lymphatic therapy, you may have a medical condition that you want to address, or you simply want to purify and detox your body. After the procedure, you will notice immediate results followed by significant improvement the next day. You will experience a sensation of increased energy levels and an overall sense of well-being. If you have the procedure to relieve symptoms, those symptoms should be gone or at least reduced after the procedure.
For an in-depth analysis of a procedure, watch this short video.
To check prices or to book an ELT Procedure, in Thailand or anywhere else in the world, head on over to MyMediTravel now!