Why would I have a hairline lowering surgery?
Hairline lowering surgery, also known as forehead reduction, is a surgical procedure to lower the frontal hairline. This procedure is especially popular among women with high hairlines as a result of hair loss. It is also common to combine the procedure with Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) to make masculine features look more feminine. Additionally, the procedure is also performed on people who were born with a high and large forehead.

What are the benefits of having a hairline lowering surgery?
It helps people who suffer from receding hairline to get their old, natural hairline back. It can also help people with a large forehead due to genetics or other cosmetic procedures. Hairline lowering surgery can help balance the proportions of your face, which may enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence if you were unhappy with the way your forehead looks. The procedure can reduce the size of your forehead by ¾ of an inch or more.
What is the recovery time?
Some people are able to return to their normal routine within 2 days. However, it is recommended that you wait 6 to 7 days until you get back to your normal activities. You may experience some swelling, bruising, and numbing sensation on your forehead in the first 3 to 5 days, but your doctor will prescribe medications to help you with your discomfort. It may take between 3 to 6 months until your hair regrows through the scar.
How long will I need to stay in the hospital after my procedure?
Hairline lowering surgery is an outpatient procedure. Therefore, after the effects of sedation wear off, you should be able to leave the hospital. The procedure itself takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete.
How long should I expect to stay overseas after my procedure?
Aim to stay overseas for at least 6 days following the procedure. During your stay, you will attend follow-up check-ups to make sure everything is healing as expected and to remove your stitches.
What aftercare should I take into consideration?
Your surgeon will give you post-operative instructions. Be sure to follow them closely to get the best results and to avoid any complications. During your recovery period, do not look upwards, avoid frowning, do not use hair bands or any other hair accessory, and refrain from smoking.
What’s the success rate like?
Hairline lowering surgery has a high success rate with minimal side effects. You can expect to see the results almost immediately after your bandage is removed. Although the results are generally very natural, keep in mind that the scar may be visible with certain hairstyles. There are also some rare but possible side effects and risks you need to be aware of, including hematoma, infection, keloid, facial muscle weakness, skin necrosis, and altered sensation in the scalp.
Are there alternatives?
Hairline lowering surgery is not the only option to receding hairline or high forehead. You can opt for hair grafting and hairstyling as alternatives to hairline lowering surgery.