Why would I have a Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty also referred to as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure performed to alter the way your nose looks and functions. It can be done both for medical and cosmetic reasons. You may consider rhinoplasty if you have breathing problems or a birth defect, you have an injury in your nose, or if you are not happy with the look of your nose. Through rhinoplasty, your surgeon can change the size and angle of your nose, reshape the tip, strengthen the bridge, and narrow the nostrils.
What are the benefits of having a Rhinoplasty?
One of the main benefits is to enhance the appearance of the nose, which can improve confidence and eliminate self-consciousness caused by the look of the nose. Other benefits of rhinoplasty are as follows.
- Improve breathing
- Restore asymmetry
- Help with sinus problems, such as chronic sinusitis
- Repair a broken nose
- Correct birth defects, such as lumps, underdevelopment, clefts, and masses
- Reduce snoring

What is the recovery time?
A nasal splint will need to stay on your nose for about a week. You may experience swelling around your eyes that will gradually subside within 3 to 14 days following the surgery. You should be able to return to most of your normal routine within 2 to 3 weeks. However, you need to avoid strenuous activities, such as intense exercise and heavy lifting, for around 3 to 6 weeks. Your surgeon will let you know when it is safe for you to return to your full normal activities.
How long will I need to stay in the hospital after my procedure?
Rhinoplasty can be an outpatient or an inpatient procedure, usually depending on the complexity of the procedure and the type of anesthesia used. If it’s a complicated procedure and general anesthesia is used, you may need to stay in the hospital for a day or two.
How long should I expect to stay overseas after my procedure?
You should expect to stay in the country for about 10 to 14 days. During your stay, rest as much as possible to allow your body to heal. Make sure to attend regular checkups as scheduled. Your doctor will monitor your healing and remove your stitches within a week following the surgery.
What aftercare should I take into consideration?
During your recovery period, you may experience some swelling and bleeding and rest with your head elevated above your chest. Your face will feel puffy and you might get headaches, but your surgeon will prescribe pain medications to ease your discomfort. Remember not to blow your nose, and avoid laughing and talking too much for a couple of weeks following the surgery. You should not wear clothes that need to be pulled over your head as well as glasses on your nose for at least 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. Since chewing can be painful for several days, eat soft food products and increase your liquid intake.
What’s the success rate like?
The success rate of Nose Surgery ranges between 85% and 90%, meaning only 10% to 15% of the surgeries needed revision. The success rate for the procedure can be even higher if performed by a highly-skilled, experienced, and certified plastic surgeon.

Are there alternatives?
If you want to change the appearance of your nose, you can opt for filler injections or Botox. Both are noninvasive and require a very short visit to your doctor. If you are looking to improve your breathing, your doctor may suggest you use nasal strips.